How to migrate magento live site to localhost or another server.
Here is the step on how to migration live magento site to local : 1. Copy all the file from server and paste in root local server. 2. Export the database from phpmyadmin. 3. Create a database in local with the same name with live server database and import the database. Note : after we installed magento site , it will create one local.xml file , with contain configuration of host and database ( host,data base name , and password ). For this case in file we have copied from server is installed side, ofcourse it has local.xml file. 4. Open the local.xml file , check username and password. 5. Add user to database in phpmyadmin contain user and password according to local.xml 6. Delete Var folder from root. 7. Flush cache magento with : a. add a file .php named : flush.php contain : <?php require_once 'app/Mage.php'; $app = Mage::app(); echo "<pre>"; if($app != null) { echo "The ap...