
Showing posts from 2016

What is Psycho-Cybernetics?

Psycho-Cybernetics might sound complicated, but it is based on the simple principle of substituting negative thinking with encouraging and strengthening thoughts to build confidence. To sum up Psycho-Cybernetics in one sentence: “How you think makes ALL the difference.” Psycho-Cybernetics was started by cosmetic surgeon Dr. Maxwell Maltz. What does Pscycho-Cybernetics mean? The term  psycho  refers to the  mind  and  cybernetics refers to  a self regulating feedback system  (e.g like a thermostat). Psycho-Cybernetics explains the mechanisms used to create a positive self image. How to Change Dr Maltz was a plastic surgeon. He noticed some of his patients after surgery suffered from low self-esteem. These patients had emotional scars from their past, leading to an inaccurate self-image. The old self image they had would sabotage their attempt to change. Dr. Maltz saw the unhappy behaviour as the result of negative self feedba...

Change multiple file extension

rename 's/.run$/.clu/' *.run Note : .run --> old extension .clu --> new/output extension

ProgrammingError: permission denied to create database ??

Hello All, I got an error while creating a DB, the error given below.  ProgrammingError: permission denied to create database The answer : 1. sudo su  postgres    (the idea is to switch to postgresql user) 2. psql 3. ALTER USER odoo WITH CREATEDB; (change odoo with your username)

How to install alfresco module

Installation The dashlet is packaged as a single JAR file for easy installation into Alfresco Share. To install the dashlet, simply drop the  module-name-{version}.jar  file into the  tomcat/shared/lib  folder within your Alfresco installation, and restart the application server. You might need to create this folder if it does not already exist.

How to remove alfrecso footer.

Edit file footer.css located in <alf_home>/tomcat/webapps/share/components/footer Add following code : .sticky-push, .sticky-footer {display:none !important;} #bd {padding-bottom:0px !important;} Looking for how to modify footer ? Looking for how to customizing Alfresco for demo purpose?