
Showing posts from December, 2017

Berani Tampil Beda

Kalau Anda baru lulus atau sedang mencari kerja, mungkin tulisan berikut bermanfaat buat Anda. Tips ini diberikan oleh seorang rekan NLP yang kebetulan pekerjaannya seputar dunia rekrutmen. Beginilah tipsnya. Apa yang Dicari Perusahaan? Kunci utama dalam mencari pekerjaan adalah memahami bahwa setiap perusahaan, dalam keadaan ekonomi seperti apa pun, hampir pasti mencari hal yang sama dari calon karyawannya, yakni: LEBIH. Artinya lebih banyak penjualan, lebih banyak laba, lebih disiplin, lebih loyal, lebih kreatif dan inovatif, dan sejumlah lebih-lebih lainnya. Jadi, target utama ketika Anda melakukan wawancara kerja adalah menemukan apa kriteria rekrutmen calon bos Anda dan sekaligus “menjual” diri Anda. Kesempatan selama wawancara harus digunakan sebaik mungkin dengan mengajukan pertanyaan-pertanyaan elegan. Kenapa begitu? Sebab pertanyaan yang tepat akan mengidentifikasi kriteria rekrutmen calon bos Anda, memamerkan diri bahwa Anda tahu cara menjadi bagian dari se...

Programming 101 – The 5 Basic Concepts of any Programming Language

First off, I’d like to say that I’m writing these preliminary posts in a way that I’ll assume you have very little knowledge in programming.  I want this content to provide anyone “walking in off the street” the knowledge to be able to write their first program with the Java programming language with as little pain as possible. So, let’s get started with our first topic: The 5 basic concepts of any programming language.  You might say, “Why are we talking about any programming language?  I thought this was about Java”.  Well, I’ve found that it’s important to remember that a lot of programming languages are very similar, and knowing what’s common between all programming languages will help you transition into any other programming language if you need to!  For example, with the Java programming knowledge I had obtained, it took me less than a month to learn how to program in a language called Objective C (which is used for iPhone apps).  That...

7 Critical Tips to Learn Programming Faster – #3 Will Land You a Job

Whether you’re currently pursuing a degree in computer science, an aspiring self-taught developer, or a coding boot camp student, mastering the craft of programming is a perpetual struggle. To assist in your learning – courtesy of the Coding Dojo instructors – here are seven tips on how to learn programming faster. 1.  Learn by doing. Always play with the code while learning With every new subject, the sooner you start playing with the code, the faster you will learn the given concepts. Even if you blaze through an entire chapter of reading and a topic like for loops seems straightforward – so straightforward even a monkey could do it – you’ll still be scratching your head when tasked to implement the code for the first time. You’ll think, “wait, what was that one piece of syntax again?” As the saying goes, you need to “use it or lose it”, because despite the evolution of technology, this ole’ proverb holds true when learning to code. Hint: Build a project as...

5 Ways You can Learn Programming Faster

Learning to program isn't something you can do in an afternoon, but it doesn't have to be a life's work, either. There are lots of things you can do to make it easier on yourself when you are learning to program. You already know about The 5 Most Common Problems New Programmers Face--And How You Can Solve Them . Now, discover how to get the most out of your learning. One common theme across many of these tips is: don't go too fast; get it right before moving on . When I was teaching C, there were always a few students who came into the class knowing a bit about programming. Inevitably, some of these students did great in the first few weeks only to fall further and further behind as the course went on. Why? They went too fast through the introductory part of the course, thinking they knew it all--but they rarely did. They knew some of the material, but not enough to have a strong grasp of the fundamentals. At the same time, you must not stop making pro...

How to Learn Programming Languages Faster

The following is an excerpt from The Complete Software Developer’s Career Guide by John Sonmez. To get the entire book delivered to your inbox, go here . For software developers, learning is a journey, not a destination. You will always be able to get better — if you choose to. I’ve spent plenty of time developing my technical skills the wrong way. However, I’ve also learned how to develop technical skills at a lightning fast speed and to teach others at the same time. After all, I created over 50 highly technical developer training courses on Pluralsight over a period of about three years. I used to think the best way to learn a technical skill was to take a big reference book and read it cover-to-cover. Back then, I read too many 800+ page books to count and didn’t benefit much from the exercise; although my arms might have grown from carrying around books of that size. I don’t want you to make the same mistakes I did, and if you already have, I want to show you a b...

How to Learn to Code, Fast

This article is focused on what to do and what not to do when learning to code. It’ll also give you tips on how to learn in the most efficient way possible. These tips are based on Natasha Postolovski’s experiences as a self-taught developer, now working as a software developer at ThoughtWorks in Australia. You can follow her on Twitter at  @npostolovski . It seems that more people than ever before have decided to learn to code. The abundance of high-quality educational materials, tutorials, and mentors on the internet means that self-starters from many different backgrounds can teach themselves programming, whether their goal is to build an app, create a website, solve a particular problem with technology, or become a software developer. Having so many learning resources available is a good thing, but it also presents a problem. When you want to learn to code, where should you start? What do you learn, and what don’t you learn? What’s the best way to ...